Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday Soccer Response

Although she is amazing in the game of soccer, she seems to be a little cocky and selfish with the way she plays. The comparison to Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney, which are the players I find are extremely cocky, drove me away from seeing how good she is. Is she a complete ball hog or are they just comparing her to how good she is? It is extremely amazing how she got to perform her freestyle tricks at the Chelsea vs. Manchester United game at Old Trafford. That is something I wish I could do if I was that good, but I am not. The best trick I can do is just around the world which is not a big deal at all to Indi Cowie.

Tuesday Interview Response

I believe some of the interviews were legit when others were completely fake and funny. The Marijuana Baker supposedly wants to "help people in a different way" by having a marijuana bakery for medical use which I think he will most definitely take advantage of. The doctor wants to attempt to accepted into medical school while going to a community college which is extremely rare if it happens. If he is really devoted to being a doctor, then he should be able to get a scholarship with the great grades he should have. The microbiologist seems legit as he is going for his goal with pure interest in that field to help cure cancer. Also, the sports executive seems like he has the devotion and hard work with his family background to be able to have a job in the sports field if he works hard enough.
In 10 years, I would see myself completing the first steps of medical school and going to my specialization in sports medicine. Sports medicine was a field that interested me when my uncle, who is an executive for the Diamondbacks, gave me a tour of the stadium and explained the role of a sports doctor. I knew from that moment it was what I wanted to do with my life. At first, I thought about working for a professional team because I would enjoy it and it would be a high paying job. Then, I realized that I might have a family in the future and I want to take care of my kids as well. I decided to just go into a sports medicine and join that specialty in a practice or have some people close to me create a practice of sports medicine. This would be a career I would truly enjoy waking up to to go to for the rest of my life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs.235-254)

The chapter turns into the story of Hall and Fischer. Hansen becomes sick later on and is feeling so nautious that he is unable to descend. Hall will not descend without him even though the radio stations are begging to leave Hall behind to save his own life. They try to convince him to come down by stating that Hall is in the tent all safe and sound. Even though they try to convince him, Hall and Hansen spend the night on an extremely high altitude which leads to being very dangerous. Hansen eventually dies next to Hall, so Hall decides to go on and tells the that he is moving and descending and think that he might make it. However, Rob Hall has not moved a bit and was hallucinating the whole time. He has just spent even longer near the summit of Everest with less oxygen. Three indian climbers reached the top on the tibetan side after Hansen, but this is not the actual summit. Some sherpas and japanese climbers find some of the Indian climbers in the snow, but they ignorantly do not help them as they would like to reach the top. It is unlikely that any of these climbers encountered Hall and Hansen on their descent.
These chapters become really intense as death occurs and the weather conditions worsen. Hansen is dead and Harris is probably dead while Hall's death is being foreshadowed. The extreme conditions of Everest are being proven and it is showing the struggle these various types of climbers are having for their lives and hopefully most of them will be safe from these horrifying conditions.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Abstract Photo

I typed in abstract photos on google images and this is the first result I received. I believe it is illustrating a shattering of some sort yet a destruction as well. I believe this is a very cool image and should be recognized and analyzed by people of our society.

Into Thin Air (pg.207-231)

A climber named Bieldeman finally reaches the top and he is unaware of the time it is. Even though he reaches at precisely 2 pm, he thinks it is a lot later. Hansen and Fischer reach the summit at around 340 and 4. They should have turned back at 2 because there is a huge storm that comes. The winds are at hurricane speeds and the snow is blowing everywhere which causes no visibility! Mike Gloom and Stuart Hutchinson attempt to find the remainder of the lost climbers, but they have little luck as they only find a few and realize some of them have even died. Weathers and Namba are dead while Pittman and Fox get back to the tents yet are completely incapacitated. Hutchinson wakes up Krakauer telling him Harris did not return to camp and he is in shock. He though Harris had made it safely to camp and even  told his girlfriend that he did. As he goes to search for him, he sees faint footsteps going near the edge which makes him realize that Andy has fallen over the edge. Hall is at the summit ridge radioing for help and the Imax team attempts to help by asking the South AFrican team, but they deny their request for their radio usage. Martin Adams explains how he saw somebody sitting on ice and slipped on it while he was descending. Krakauer thinks it is him, but Adams ensures him it was not. Krakauer realizes the story of Andy Harris falling of the edge is false and he has been telling people that this is what happened to him. Now, nobody knows what has happened to Andy Harris.

This storm is just the beginning of all the trouble. It is becoming extremely suspicious with all of these dangerous events happening and these stories of weird deaths on Everest. We will see who ends up having a battle for their lives on this great summit of the world. 

3 Straight Losses from the Gunners

This has been a disappointing week of EPL for me. Arsenal just tied to WBA a team that should have been easily beaten. They are having the biggest drought and with the injuries they have it is not any easier. I hope they get Walcott and Fabregas back again, so that they can improve dramatically over the season and be able to reach the top of the Premier league.

March Madness

yeah my bracket is completely done for the year! i had Pittsburgh in the final losing to duke and i had Notre dame and Purdue in the sweet 16. I had Louisville in the sweet 16 as well. I got U conn and I picked OSU to lose, but they are looking really good right now. I'm glad I am just a spectator this season.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs.181-203)

They finally reach the summit in this chapter. The death zone and hillary step are both approached which are known to be quite dangerous. Hillary step is almost a vertical mountain which asks for the most difficult climbing of the expeditor's lives.  The death zone has its name given because all climbers must proceed quickly before their essential supply of oxygen runs out. There are no ropes in place when they encounter the death zone which leads to an extremely difficult process to climb this dreaded zone. Krakauer is worried about oxygen supply and descends quickly, but he stops because of the traffic jam and allows other climbers to ascend. While this process, he asks Andy Harris to decrease the amount of oxygen he is receiving and he mistakenly increases the valve and Krakauer has wasted essential oxygen doing absolutely nothing. He tries to descend to the south summit where extra canisters of oxygen are. Andy Harris says they are empty and he gives Jon Krakauer the remainder of his oxygen tank. Harris is having symptoms of hypoxia which is rare in climbers, Krakauer proceeds to descend down the mountain without Harris which is something he said he will regret for the rest of his life. Krakauer continues descend with a climber with bad eyesight and eventually dives into his tent after a difficult journey and is confident in his climbing.
This chapter gets really intense as they finally reach their goal and Krakauer has many problems with his oxygen tank, weather, and the traffic. It is showing the effects on multiple people including the guides. It is foreshadowing the horrible weather that is about to come. I can't wait to read the next exhilarating part that takes place in this great book.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 151-178)

They finally make an attempt to go all the way to the top of the summit. Krakauer mentions a man who realized he was too exhausted to get the summit even though he was only a few hundred feet away, but Hall acknowledged this choice and understood the maturity and difficulty of this person. Doug and Jon start talking about what the top of the mountain will be like and the success it will happen. Also, a member from the Taiwanese team slips off because he is wearing only slippers. He is fine at first, but he eventually dies and the leader could care less as he only replies OK. Krakauer talks about how supplemental oxygen is frowned upon as cheating even though it is a necessity. They continue there journey to the top of the mountain and Jon Krakauer finally accepts the vital oxygen mask during his climb when he finally realizes it is harder to breathe without it. He also becomes skeptical of the climbers that turn back when they are so close and saying they are judging it on only some factors and not really with loyalty or devotion. Rob Hall says all members need to stay ahead of each other and gives Krakauer the go ahead in front of him. The chapter ends by him stating that a man who quit was not serious at the time.
These pages just start to mention the journey to the very top of the mountain and all the struggles and problems everyone goes through. I believe it would be extremely difficult for anyone to climb this mountain as I have said before. This is a very difficult feat that I am surprised some people will eventually accomplish.

Let Kids Rule the School

I do not think it is a very good idea for the students to rule the school. Although I would prefer this system, I do not think it would educate anybody. There were no grades, so no test of being educated which means there is a possibility of no learning at all. If the students rule themselves, they could easily get off tract as well. I would like to have this system, but do not think it would help much.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 127-147)

The group now begins their journey to camp 3 and Krakauer has become extremely cold and developed frostbite. He does not make such a smart move by removing his clothing because he believes the sun will make it warmer, but it just makes him more cold. Doug Hanson receives an injury to the respiratory tract by having a frozen larynx. Almost all of the climbers have frostbite as well.The sherpa, Nwagnag has not died yet. The other sherpas believe that he does not have HAPE rather he is being punished by the Day of Sky for a sin he has committed while on the mountain.The best Sherpa out of Fischer's group goes to visit Nwagnag when he dies and Fischer is worried without his top Sherpa that confidence may be lost by his fellow climbers. Krakauer talks about the adrenaline rush some climbers are starting to develop along with various physical problems. Some climbers have developed HACE and headaches to the sun's radiation. He mentions how he has lost 20 pounds of muscle and cartilage and says he is feeling stupid. Also, there are set days for the climbers to reach the top, but the South African team does not care much and will wish the top whenever they please.
Again, this chapter starts to frigthen me about Everest. All of these normal, healthy people are starting to develop multitudes of physical problems and it just scares me to know. The idea of the Sherpas and there idea of the mountains is like their religion. I believe they take the mountain to seriously and should not make various Gods based on the weather. I hope all of them become healthy and eventually reach the summit of Mount Everest.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Into Thin Air (pg. 91-124_

Krakauer starts to mention all the inexperienced climbers climbing on the mountain. He mentions the story of a man who fasted and believed in God to climb the mountain, but people on another expedition had found his corpse. Another story tells of a man who was not registered and just convinced Sherpas into thinking he had a permit but he made it to 22000 feet and turned back. Woodwall was a British man that convinced a team of South Africans that he was South African. He was going to climb the mountain leading them and some people had quit because of his attitude. People were climbing on his expedition without a permit and he was getting in multitudes of trouble after the expedition had finally ended. They decide to climb the moutain and take more rest at the camps they are going to reach. While they are climbing, Krakauer is exposed to a few dead bodies on the way. The key part I thought was scary was the way of one of the sherpas, Ngawang. He climbs the moutain although he is feeling nautions and despite the fact that the doctors instructing him to descend. Although they said that, he only takes supplemental oxygen and medicaitons instead, but his symptoms become worse. The doctors diagnose him with HAPE and only solution is to descend as quickly as possible, so they try to but he keeps getting worse even with CPR and the oxygen mask. They eventually take him to the hospital where he dies a slow death. Also, there is a woman climber named Sandy who is attempting to climb Everest for publicity, but there has been a woman who has defeated her dream of being the first woman climber to reach the seven summits.

My reflection of this chapter was that it was quite scary. It has frightened me to even think about climbing this terrrible mountain and I can't believe why people could take such a risk. I am now thoroughly  convinced that I would never in my life climb Mount Everest.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lasers: Lupe Fiasco

LASERS proved to live up to its hype and Lupe Fiasco certainly did not dissapoint. There is not one song on this album which I believe to be bad or annoying. I could put this album on repeat and constantly repeat it over and over. Lupe Fiasco is by far the most underrated rapper in the world today, but that does not stop him from getting a message across in each and every song.

Arsenal is out of the UEFA Champions League =(

I am severely disappointed that Arsenal has been knocked out of the Champions League by Barcelona. It was just a pure disaster after Van Persie was sent off with a 2nd yellow card which resulted in a red card. The second yellow was completely unnecessary because he took a strike and the referee thought he was wasting time. The final score was 3-1 and the Gunners had one own goal from Sergio Busquets. That was the only exciting part of the match. Besides that, Messi had two goals and Xavi had one. It was a pure disaster for Arsenal at Nou Camp, but I still do have respect for Barcelona for putting up a great match.

Arsenal vs. Barcelona Preview

The Gunners will travel to Barcelona to take on them on in the second leg of the UEFA Champions League. My little brother is a Barcelona fan while I am an Arsenal Fan. The Catalans will be playing without Gerrard Pique and Carlos Puyol and the Gunners will be without Alex Song and Theo Walcott. Robin Van Persie may play and he had the amazing goal against Barcelona. Also, Cesc Fabregas will be back from an injury against Birmingham in the Carling Cup. I hope the Gunners are able to defeat Barcelona in this significant match.

Into Thin Air (pgs. 61-88)

While they are about to make it to base camp, Harris becomes sick and starts to vomit and have massive diarrhea. Although the medic recommends he stays back, he says he wants to go to make it to base camp. Harris is obviously the one that struggles the most with their journey to base camp. Krakauer meets a man named Scott Fischer who is a very exceptional climber. Fischer and Hall are business rivals yet good friends as well. He fell from a mountain and has a hole in a leg open enough to stick a pencil through. Krakauer also describes the climb to Base Camp and says that he says that he is losing his breath and wheezing. The Sherpas continue to bring significant supplies to all the climbers. Hall is worried about the climbers with new boots and fewer experience seeing how they may struggle according to the dangerous weather he predicts is about to come. An unusual rope technique may be useful to climb with the ice. Krakauer is struck by UV radiation and he has to take some medication to get rid of the headache. Also, Krakauer's wife calls and starts to discuss their relationship and well-being as a couple.

The book starts to mention all the problems that are starting to occur within their climbing group. People are getting sick and Hall has worries about certain people's techniques. They all continue to foreshadow the events about to come with the horrible ice storm.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 29-57)

Jon finally decides to tell the beginning of the story when he is aboard on the flight looking at various mountains from the windows. He also mentions Rob Hall and how successful of a tour guide he is even though his prices for the journey are ridiculously large. The group he is traveling with is composed of doctors, lawyers, and postal workers from various parts of the world. Rob Hall and his partner Gary Ball have been climbing mountains since their late teens. They climbed the Seven Summits in an astonishing 7 months. However, when they accomplished this feat they were afraid sponsors were going to drop their financial support so that lead both of them to becoming tour guides. Gary Ball eventually died from a brain malfunction involving the high altitudes he was constantly involved with. Rob Hall charges 65,000 dollars per person, but this ridiculously prodigious amount is a guarantee to reach the top and stay alive on this difficult journey.When discussing the base camp, I thought it was interesting how the medical clinic would not go past base camp and just chilled there. Krakauer discusses Sherpas and the various stereotypes given to them by the mountain climbers. As they proceed to make it to base camp, Jon becomes friends with Doug Hansen and Andy Harris. Hall and Harris start to foreshadow a conversation that there is a disaster on Everest that is about to occur and all the inexperienced climbers will suffer. Little did they know.... it is about to come.
This book keeps getting better and better. No matter what you do it keeps you in. This  will never lose your interest and I like that kind of qualities in a book. Some people may be able to relate to the devotion and dedication of all these climbers. It may also appeal to those who are interested in adventure and seeing the world and its natural structures.

Andrey Arshavin shoved down against Sunderland

This is proof of Arshavin being pushed down right as he was about to score a game-winning goal for Arsenal. It made me really angry and annoyed how their was no call for a penalty kick on this play. Brombay obviously pushed down Arshavin in the goal box right as he was taking a good strike with his left leg. We should be tied with Manchester United right now but we are not because of the referee not calling this obvious penalty kick.

Close Run in the Premier League

Chelsea won their game 3-1 against Blackpool today and the race for first in the premier league is becoming close. The top four teams now are within 10 points of each other and those teams are Manchester United, ARSENAL, Manchester City, and Chelsea. This will lead to more competitive and aggravating competition between all these teams and I am absolutely hyped for it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Colton Dixon

Can't believe that this guy did not make it to the top 24 on idol! I am glad to know that he is already in a studio producing songs, but this may mean that he won't be able to try out for American Idol next year.


Thank you Liverpool for defeating the bloody Red Devils. You have kept Arsenal within their reach and I am glad you have done so and it has helped me recover from that tie that we should have won. However, it still makes me angry to know that if Arsenal won we would be tied with Man U..... I hope Man U keeps this losing streak up!

Arsenal ties with Sunderland 0-0

It was dissapointing to view this lost when I knew they should have won. Bendtner about had a bicycle kick for a goal but it was down the middle right to the goalie. Also, Samir Nasri had the perfect free kick, but the goalie had a slight touch that made  the ball go over. The play I was most upset about was that when Andrey Arshavin was in the box and running with a defender behing him, Brombay pushed him down while he was striking which altered the direction of the strike. There was no foul called for this play which really made me angry. If Manchester United loses tomorrow, that will make me even happier and I will then know that Arsenal will be on top soon.

Arsene Wenger awarded Manager of the Month!

After a difficult loss to Sunderland without 3 of Arsenal's key footballers, I was happy to be informed that Arsene Wenger won the Manager of the Month. He is well deserved of this award because he has done so many amazing things for Arsenal in Febuary and for him to be recognized for this again is truly incredible. I hope Arsenal will be back on top of the league with such a great manger.

Into Thin Air (pg. 1-28)

The book starts off by describing Jon Krakauer on Mount Everest, the top of the world. The relief that has overcome him after he has achieved his childhood goal. One part that I thought was interesting was when his partner ridded him of all his oxygen and he was still able to survive with the next tank being about 500 feet away from him. When he told his partner to crank his oxygen down, he ended up cranking it all the way up. So, he just spent his entire oxygen tank doing nothing. Also, eh talks about Hornbeing and Unsoeld, his childhood heroes, whose journey consisted of reaching Everest at 615 pm and had to stay there overnight. It is mentioned how Mount Everest received its name by an actual person and how the translation varies in each country. The ridiculous rates of permits for Nepal is what delayed Jon of climbing this great peak. He needed to write articles for the Outsiders over these rates. The prices jumped to 50000 then they jumped to 70000 with groups for 5 people, 10000 for additional members with 7 people being the maximum limit allowed. He also talks about how Dick Bass and Patrick Morrow climbed the Seven Summits which are the highest peaks on each continent of the world. It is an extremely great feat to accomplish and am completely amazed how they were able to overcome this.
I am enjoying this book so far. I am not usually a fan of adventure books, but the way Jon Krakauer wrote this book is interesting to me. Another reason I am interested in this book because I recall seeing a movie on this story in middle school and I was highly interested in that. The way people train and attempt to climb this mountain is a truly difficult journey.