Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Blog

Although it was difficult to do at times, Blogging was actually a decent experience. There were some things many people in the class did not like about it, but overall it was better than book reports or discussing what you read to the class. This has been a great experience that was better than most classes and I am glad I go to experience this.

Zeitoun (pgs 215-265)

The book goes back to September 6th and looks at Zeitoun's perceptive of the situation. After he is done taking a shower, officials burst into his home and escort him into a bus. Zeitoun, Naseer, Todd, and Ronnie have no idea  where this bus is going. Todd is quite hotheaded and is asking what they have done over and over again. Then, Zeitoun hears one of the guards says that they are Al Qaeda. Zeituon can not believe it and thinks he has misheard what the guard says. He also hears the guard says that they are part of the Taliban. They were all also violently stripped search without any warrant or trial for these victims. Also, they were proceeded to a prison that looked like Guantanamo Bay. The guards are strict and spray the prisoners that do not cooperate with pepper spray. There is also a man sent into their sell named Jerry. Jerry asks many questions and is a very funny and exciting guy. Todd starts to think that he is a spy sent from the other guards to get information from them. Zeitoun asks for phone calls as well, but the guards tell him that the phones don't work and that he is Taliban and would not be allowed to use them anyways. Him and Naseer realize they need to pray which they knew would draw suspicion from the guards. They do their wudu with dirt instead of water and pray. Zeitoun has had a pain in his foot and is starting to feel some pain in his kidney. He pries the metal needle out of his foot with a sharp glass piece from a bottle. The kidney pain bothers him while he is in the prison. Zeitoun is having problems sleeping at night as well. Even if he could get comfortable enough to sleep, he knew that the train would bother him. He admires the construction of the prison as well because of the short time they had to construct it. There was a man yelling out things that a small child he would say. It annoyed the guards to the point where he was pepper sprayed. He starts to feel bad for Kathy and his kids because he knows that he should have left early. Kathy kept on telling him and this was why she had warned him. The prisoners eventually move out of Camp Greyhound into a much nicer prison. Zeitoun continues to ask for phone calls in this season, but they say that the phones don't work and they are not his prisoner. He is a part of FEMA. Zeitoun appreciates how nice they were at the beginning which was a great improvement from the last prison. He also tells the nurse he has kidney problems, but she can't help yet because he doesn't have a prescription. She gives him a doctor's note that he has to fill out and he gives it back to her when she comes back. At the last prison, the doctors would not help him because they thought he was a part of the Taliban and was a terrorist. Four african-american men are put into Zeitoun and Naseer's cell, which separated the Syrian- Americans from the Americans. The African- american said they were serving "Katrina time." Zeitoun begins to think that his pain may be from the fumes of Hurricane Katrina as Kathy had warned him. Many problems are occurring with Zeitoun while in prison and it is a difficult time for him.

I am completely shocked of this outcome. I did not suspect it to be this bad! Zeitoun is unfairly tried into a prison similar to Guantanamo Bay. This does not seem fair. Just because of where he is from and what religion he is, they are going to consider him terrorists? Mr. Hill was right when he said this gets completely infuriating. This amazing man who was helping his community in Katrina is a terrorist? That is a complete oxymoron. The helpful terrorist? How does this make any sense. I can't put this book down at all because I want to find the fairness in the situaion. I want to know what happens to Zeitoun.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Globetrotter Impersonation

This guy from the Globetrotter impersonates NBA Stars! This is some funny stuff and he doesn't do a bad job of impersonating them either.

Manchester City over Arsenal.

Manchester city has moved ahead of Arsenal and I can't believe it! Arsenal is such a better team with so many key injuries! It just isn't fair how a team like Man City can move ahead of them. Hopefully Arsenal wins this weekend and is able to move past them in the standings...

Keep Your Head Up

I can't get this song out of my head right now. Andy Grammer created an amazing song that will probably just be like I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. This will still be a good song in many years to come as well.

Zeitoun pgs. (183-214)

Kathy is worried sick about Zeitoun the entire section and she is a complete mess. She awaits the call from Zeitoun, but does not get one for two whole weeks. Her kids constantly ask where their dad is, but Kathy does not know, so she ends up lying to her kids that she received a call at night from Yuko's phone on the first ring. Yuko tries to prevent Kathy from TV, the interent, and the radio, but this still does not stop Kathy. She still researches what is going on in New Orleans and realizes the death toll is increasing daily which worries her even more. This makes her think that her husband is dead and that she may have to prepare for a funeral. Zeituon's family from around the world is always calling and is also very worried. They are wondering where Zeitoun could be since he hasn't told Kathy and he hasn't called his family. Ahmad, Zeitouin's brother from Spain, is getting worried as well. Ahmad sends information of Zeitoun to the news stations and organizations in the USA to see if anyone has seen him. Kathy also enrolls the kids into a new school which Yuko helps them all get settled in. This intense experience drives everyone crazy. However, at the very end of the chapter, Kathy receives a cal from a man with a deep voice. He asks if she knows Zeitoun, which he pronouces wrong, and Kathy says yes. The man tells her that Zeitoun is in jail and safe. After that, Kathy asks many questions in one breath, but the man can not respond because he may be in trouble just for telling her that.
The end of the chapter really got to me. It was repetitive about how worried Kathy was, but I could sense the intensity of this. Zeituon is in jail!!!! I have no idea how he could be when the worst what he had done was try to help somebody. How could this great man be in jail?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Zeitoun (pgs. 156-182)

Zeituon wakes up and starts a barbecue with the others he is with while Kathy has finally arrived in Arizona with Ahmaad driving there and only stopping on the trip once. Ahmad, Zeitoun's brother, calls again and asks Zeitoun to leave and tries to convince him by saying his kids are worried sick, but this still does not change his mind as he is to take care of his city. Zeitoun remembers how his brother had hacked into a camera system in New Orleans and told him to stand there so he could see him. Zeituon went to the location his brother told him with his family and his brother had seen him and was very excited. Also, Zeitoun sees a fire that is near his office which has yet to be flooded with water. The fire is moving down the street at a fast rate and Zeitoun is not too worried as his office only received small harm. There is a weird institute where Zeituon picks up a woman that happens to be a prostitute  This makes it very awkward as he is already married and is wondering if anyone would need her services. Zeitoun asks her where she is going and she says my work.It made it extremely awkward for him during the trip, but he had to do it because he was helping everybody. While Zeitoun is paddling, he discovers dogs that have been shot down. After that, he immediately calls Kathy who again tells him to evacuate the city and there can be many health problems for those who are staying. Zeitoun is actually considering evacuating, but does not tell Kathy.His number one concern is for the kids to be in school, but Kathy's concern is for Zeituon to leave. As he proceeds to Nadeemah's bedroom, he starts to read the Quran as he is relaxing today and opens up the beautiful book and reads the parts he has been thinking about. Zeituon reflects on his interaction with birds from his childhood as he had kept them. Also, Naseer decides he would like to leave the city. However, when Zeituon takes him there, the helicopter has crashed. Naseer has to wait another day. When they make their way back to Zeitoun's house, they realize the water is working. Excited, Zeitoun goes to take a shower. After that, there is a group of men that storm in to Zeitoun's house which has him worried and he goes downstairs.

This is starting to get intense. I am not sure what these men will do to Zeitoun, but I am still waiting to find out. Also, I can't believe that he is still staying in this horribly conditioned city helping people. It takes true bravery and confidence to that in God's wish. I hope nothing too bad happens to Zeituon, but I will just have to wait and see.