Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 Diction Excercise

Level of Formality: Middle
Connotation: the repetitive statements drive your attention towards the particular phrase "when the moon sails out"
C. The calm and charming comments are made throughout this work of poetry. It seems to appear dull yet peaceful so it conveys a sense of peace. Also, the innocent setting of the poem makes it seem such in a state of mute as well.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2.23 Diction Exercise

Secret Goldfish
David Copperfield
Level of Formality: informal, slang
Connotation: keep it interesting and easily readable, adds a vulgarity to talk in the casual style
Concreteness: harsh sound, wrong condition
The vulgar comments made by Holden are completely absurd. He curses throughout poem with a frivolous manner. I feel that most of his ridicule is in such a ribald manner that it has no significance.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blake Griffin Jumps Over a Car

Baron Davis passes it to Blake Griffin out of the car and he catches it in mid air and dunks down the basketball. Eventually, he became the well-deserved winner of this competition!

Blake Griffin: 360 Dunk!

Blake Griffin performs a 360 dunk, truly amazing!

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 12

The Speed of the Idea
This chapter talks about stealing bases. It mentions how the teams that stole more bases, score less runs because they are usually tagged out. They have turned a player from a base stealer into a non-risk base taker, so he is extra cautions when he is running bases. In the Athletics division, they are finally in first with the lowest payroll. They have proven to the entire Major League of Baseball that they do not need money to become successful in baseball. It continue to reflects throughout the chapter about the Oakland Athletic journey of Billy Beane, but it attempts to focus on the present. He talks about how he possibly wants to go to another team instead of the Oakland Athletics and leaves a hanger about whether or not he did.

My final view of this book is that it was rather disappointing. I expected this book to be fairly interesting, but it was like a roller coaster or entertainment. Some points were really boring while others were ok. There was nothing really exciting about this book and I hope my choice improves as I get to the next one I choose whatever that book may be.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


That is extremely awkward how you saw your friend at best buy and he didn't delete his facebook. I'm pretty sure you will playing a joke on him anyways. One time on facebook, i had a status about "I bought a guitar." My annoying relative who is 13 put a comment rather insulting towards me on there. Then, my friend was backing me up and made a comments towards him. This resulted in a long argument until my relative's brother, who is my good friend, joined in and decided to stand up for him. Then, my two friends got in a fight and talked about physically taking out. Awkward thing is my relatives live in Dallas and there is an annual convention where I see this friend. Eventually, they met and they are fine now even though my relative was really scared that he was going to get beat up.

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 11

The Human Element
The Oakland Athletics would always sell out their tickets on a few games in the season and that is when they play the Royals. Also, the front office is intrigued by the a game between their two minor league teams which have produced many efficient players such as Jeremy Brown and Jason Giambi. They compare the statistics of Eric Chavez who is 24 to big league players such as Jason Giambi, Barry Bonds, and Alex Rodriguez when they were 24. These statistics are amazingly similar and all average out around the same numbers. For the first time in his career, Chad Bradford is no longer oblivious to his surroundings. He became extremely nervous and cautious of every move he was doing. This is the worst slump he has ever been in his entire career. Somebody from the front office comes up to him and asks him if hes a christian. He says yes and then proceeds to ask him if he believes in Jesus. He says yes again and the front office manager responds then why don't you have faith in yourself. This is a question Bradford can not eve answer. Kansas city eventually ties the score at 11-11, but the Athletics still mangae to pull of a win in this situation. This chapter mainly discusses aspects of the human mind.
I like how this chapter mentions the nervous aspect of the human mind. It becomes interesting to see how this player handles his nerves during the game. It was already amazing how he ignored what was happening around him. Chad Bradford will need to settle his nerves to the Athletics to have any success.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Preview: Arsenal vs. Barcelona

These two teams have extremely similar yet exciting playing styles. Sagna and Puyol will be out during this game and Samir Nasri is questionable with a hamstring injury. I am hoping for an absolute miracle against Barcelona because I know they are a better team than us and have good movement on the ball. Hopefully, the contributions and efforts made by Arsenal is enough to beat Barcelona.

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 10

Anatomy of an Undervalued Pitcher
This chapter is a story of an average pitcher named Chad Bradford who makes to the big leagues without anybody thinking that he ever would. It starts out discussing the fact that most players in major league baseball were stars in high school baseball, but not Chad Bradford. In fact, he barely had made the team his sophomore year. His coach said he was just there to be with his friends and when the coach had to say something nice about him on graduation day, he discussed how good he was in school. Bradford started playing for a community college in his town. Warren Hughes, a scout for the Chicago White Sox, began coming to watch Chad play and was impressed. The White Sox had drafted him late in the draft which he did not agree to the first offer. But, a year later he decided to accept the White Sox offer for 12,000 dollars a year, so he was still making about 1000 dollars a month. Chad Bradford began to shine in the minor leagues. He would go to stadiums that were impossible for visiting pitchers to be successful and pitch in an jabsolutely amazing manner. The White Sox are slightly amazed and they offer Chad Bradford to come to the Texas Rangers stadium with them. This had a slight spark to the start of his career. Eventually, the White Sox decided there was no use for Chad and traded him to the Oakland Athletics. The A's found potential and talent in this young pitcher. Voros McCracken is also discussed in this chapter and he has a specific theory directly related to baseball for the Oakland Athletics. McCracken is trying to crack down on the solution to why the Athletics are so successful. He has many theories that seem to make sense, but they are quite general.

I enjoyed reading this chapter because of the rising action of the characters. The character develops more bravery and strength throughout this book. Also, It is interesting in the long process athletes of all ages have to go through to maintain what they are working for. I like the fact that these players are coming from small environmental and advancing in front of your eyes. The plot should remain the same as it was  in this chapter


Robin Van Persie had a scissor kick for his first goal of the match. He also had another goal after being injured in the 2nd half of the game. This ball is a truly brilliant cross by Fabregas and an excellent finish by Van Persie.


Apparently, the temperatures are supposed to increase the next few days which will results in a massive amount of fog. I hope this leads to many delays throughout this week of school!

Arsenal vs. Wolves

Arsenal defeated the Wolves 2-0! The wolves are the team which handed man u their first lose so  I was excited to hear that the Gunners were able to overcome though.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 9

The Trading Desk
The chapter begins by discussing Mike Magnante and his struggling performance from the last few games. He constantly is giving up more runs, hits, and homeruns. The Oakland Athletics decide they would like to trade him. This is where Billy Beane comes in to play. Billy is the one who regulates the trading cycle for the Oakland Athletics. Oakland is deciding to trade their players for better players because they are close to winning to division, so Billy Beane thinks its time to trade players. He has five rules for trading players. One rule is that change is always good and you have to go with short term solutions instead of long term solutions if you are a poor baseball team like Oakland. Another rule is the day you make a requirement for something you are not going to have much success because you will spend too much on that player. You have to know how much the player is worth as well. Also, every team should know what player they want and go after him. The final rule is that you will have to deal with public scrutiny from the media and you have to do your best to ignore their unnecessary comments. Throughout the stories, the Oakland Athletics are trying to trade with multiple teams such as the New York Mets, Boston Red Sox, San Francisco Giants, and the Los Angeles Dodgers.  Billy regulates the entire trading desk and does what is best for the Athletics in this chapter.

I found this chapter quite boring because it was only about  trading and money. The trading desk seems like a boring process and completely aggravating. An interesting fact was that my friend's name appeared in this chapter a lot. The players discussed and the whole process is quite simple the way the described it. I was fairly educated on this topic before I read the chapter which may have been another reason I refer to it as boring. I really hope this book does not have any more boring chapters!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 8

Scott Hatteberg, Pickin' Machine
This chapter discusses the unique qualities of Scott Hatteberg. After he has been drafted, Hatteberg goes to train with the A's fielding coach. The A's fielding coach will make the players want to play better without even saying it. He trains with him for a while and Hatteberg is absolutely terrible, but there is slight improvement every time he practices. Eventually, he becomes a started in the Oakland Athletic line-up. His unique quality is how he judges which balls to hit. Hatteberg never swings at the first pitch and analyzes the pitcher to determine how is he going to hit. The Boston Red Sox, the team that was drafted by, hated his approach and gave him to Athletics. The Athletics loved his approach and would always tell them "Way to approach the ball" and this was environment Hatteberg was not used to. He would expose the pitchers weaknesses which would help the other batters. After the pitcher was done pitching to Hatteberg, their weakness had been exposed. This chapter determines Scott Hatteberg as one of the hitters with the best analysis of the game.
My perspective on this chapter was that it was quite interesting. This player is extremely patient and chill when he is in the batter's box, when most hitters want to smash the ball to hit a home run. Hatteberg is one of those players that the author is trying to emphasize. The author may want to show that patience is key to success and I would totally agree with that perspective.

Teenage Driving:

This article does not make any sense. They tested the teenage drivers on a video game! Honestly, when you are playing a video game of course you do not care about the safety regulations. Safety is not an issue when you are supposed to be having fun with your friends. Competition does rise when there are friends to play with in a game but that does not affect how they drive. I do not agree with this article because the test does not have an actual effect of real life.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

PACKERS WIN SUPER BOWL XLV!!!! Aaron Rodgers played excellent today and I am glad the Packers won. Aaron Rodgers just received something that Brett Favre never did which is a super bowl ring! Favre must be so jealous right now. It was a pretty good game in the second half, but it was a complete and utter blow out in the first. Good job Packers, you really deserved it tonight!

Halftime Show

The groups selected for the halftime show were good such as the Black Eyed Peas, Slash, and Usher. Although the band selection was good, the Black eyed peas performed terribly in their first few songs. They did get better as it progressed. Usher was excellent and so was Slash. I hope they start picking better and more recent music groups like they did tonight.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Manchester United Loses!

The good part about football today is that Manchester United finally lost! They lost to the wolves which are the worst team in the english premier league. They are at the bottom of the charts and beat the so called number 1 team with a score of 2-1. I absolutely hate Manchester United especially Wayne Rooney. Word can not describe my hate for Wayne Rooney!

Newcastle United vs. Arsenal

I can't believe that Arsenal tied with Newcastle! They had a 4 goal lead going into the half and 3 of those goals were scored within the first 10 minutes of the match. I am very dissapointed to see them give up what should have been a victory. The only reason they tied was because of the referee making the worst calls. He gave them two penalty kicks and a free kick that were obviously faked by newcastle united. I hope Arsenal will do much better in their next game!