Tuesday, February 15, 2011


That is extremely awkward how you saw your friend at best buy and he didn't delete his facebook. I'm pretty sure you will playing a joke on him anyways. One time on facebook, i had a status about "I bought a guitar." My annoying relative who is 13 put a comment rather insulting towards me on there. Then, my friend was backing me up and made a comments towards him. This resulted in a long argument until my relative's brother, who is my good friend, joined in and decided to stand up for him. Then, my two friends got in a fight and talked about physically taking out. Awkward thing is my relatives live in Dallas and there is an annual convention where I see this friend. Eventually, they met and they are fine now even though my relative was really scared that he was going to get beat up.

1 comment:

  1. People get so uptight about things on fb that would just make them laugh if they were talking in real life. It's just safer in the real world, I guess.
