Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sergio Ramos drops Copa del Rey Trophy

Sergio Ramos DROPPED the Copa del Rey trophy for Real Madrid. He must be the most hated man in Madrid at the moment. It had taken along time before they won a trophy and now it is dropped under a bus. The UEFA said they will not give them another trophy either.

Real Madrid vs. FC Barcelona

These two teams are playing in the UEFA Champions league today. Real Madrid had recently defeated Barcelona in the Copa Del Rey. Although, in the last match Barcelona had defeated Real Madrid 5-0. This will be an interesting match today.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 295-333)

Krakauer is still staying in contact with his fellow climbers. Lou had described Everest as one of his worst adventures in his life. He mentions Beck Weathers and the amputations he had to have of his right arm below the elbow, his fingers on his left hand, and his nose was amputated and later reconstructed. Beck has surprisingly handled this devastating tragedy fairly well. Jon Krakauer can't get the journey of Mount Everest out of his head. He has had some criticisms from people of the climber's family. He learns some people on the Everest journey died from a car accident and an avalanche. A sherpa orphan blames the Sherpas for all what had happened on this expedition, saying that they are expected to protect the sanctuary from outsiders. This journey has poisoned many of the families and close friends of people of Everest. Some have even needed medical treatment for depression. Even those climbers that were saving others feel bad that they could not save everyone on this devastating journey.
This expedition was extremely devastating and intense. It is something beyond words to describe for someone who wasn't on the expedition. Jon Krakauer did a great job of describing the journey and all the people in it. I am sure he had many tearful thoughts when writing this book. He goes on to describe later what happened as well and I'm sure it was difficult for him to describe that as well. I hope others choose to read this National Best-Seller because it can show many reactions when life or death is at risk.

Art Galleria

Adam Gayer alludes to a physical sense of color in this painting that is extremely extravagant. The colors of the painting add an interest which is unforeseen in other paintings. He adds an interesting twist of different shapes with a fancy transition in colors along the painting. This piece of art is truly an amazing piece of work because of the way he arranges the colors in the painting.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Elimated American Idol Contestants

The last few weeks there have been some surprising eliminations. Paul McDonald was sent home and he was expected to go much further with his husky voice. The more surprising result is the elimination of Pia Toscano. She was no doubt the best female singer in the competition and had the voice to be the American Idol. I expected her to make the top 3 for sure if not top 2. That was extremely controversial and hard for the viewers of this popular reality tv show. I hope an artist who deserves the title will win the competition.

Into thin Air (pgs. 277-293)

Krakauer finally descends into Base Camps and tears fill his eyes as he still can't believe what has happened on this dangerous expedition. He is dealing with a very difficult emotional situation when he comes back to the USA and must talk to Doug Hansen's wife. His wife actually comforts him instead of Krakauer comforting her. He constantly theorizes about what could have possibly happened to all of these climbers and guides on Everest, but nobody will ever know for sure. He believes it was the fact of the lack of knowledge of what to do at such a high altitude caused most of the deaths of these victims. The business of the climbing does not contain strict regulation because most of the countries are poor and have nothing else to strive for money. The IMAX team ends up finding most of the bodies of the South Africans, Hall, and Fischer. They can't believe what they have seen.

I would be very worried if I was in this situation. You have to deal with all the physical and mental complications that you will be suffering after you descend down the mountain. They may try their best to forget or to remember this grand and difficult journey. I hope they realize the risk they just took and how lucky they are to be able to survive and tell their story.

Arsenal vs. Liverpool

Emmanuel Eboue must be the most hated man on the Arsenal team right now for what he did on Sunday. He gave up a simple penalty kick when there was no need for a foul and Liverpool ended up tying the game. This tie leaves a narrow margin between 2nd and 3rd for Arsenal and Chelsea. Also, the margin is bigger between Manchester United and Arsenal, especially if Man U were to win tomorrow. I can not believe what Eboue performed, what an idiotic play.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 257-276)

Honestly, it becomes really depressing throughout the book. Many guides and climbers are being confirmed as dead and it is just pure sadness among the people at Camp 4. They look around for more, but more deaths are confirmed. With the people they do find, such as Beck Wethers, they are in terrible condition and close to dead. But once they make it to the tent, their chances of survival are dramatically increased. Stuart Hutchinson takes the role as the leader and gathers up his team to descend on the mountain. Helicopters come to retrieve Beck and one other climber off the mountain for serious medical treatment. It is very interesting how the helicopters went above their height to come retrieve these climbers who were battling for their lives. Once they make it to Camp 2, everything has settled in and they can not believe what has just happened on this intense journey.
The story is obviously starting to come to an end. All of the serious deaths have occurred and it is a very sad thing to see. They are descending down these mountains and it is extremely difficult for everybody to embrace what has just happened in this situation. If i was apart of this expedition, I would not know what to do with the sensitiveness that must be there.

Tuesday Response

Pharrell Williams has an exquisite taste in his house that happens to be quite unique and unusual to most people of society. It is obvious he is very enthusiastic about the role he has in Hollywood with his passion for various pictures of animated characters in his household. The fanciness of all the pictures and designs seems a bit forced, but it is quite amazing. It is confused me how he has added such prodigious structures that are near his ears in most of the portraits in his house. Williams really has a joyful and unique house filled with art that you would not be able to view anywhere else.