Monday, April 18, 2011

Into thin Air (pgs. 277-293)

Krakauer finally descends into Base Camps and tears fill his eyes as he still can't believe what has happened on this dangerous expedition. He is dealing with a very difficult emotional situation when he comes back to the USA and must talk to Doug Hansen's wife. His wife actually comforts him instead of Krakauer comforting her. He constantly theorizes about what could have possibly happened to all of these climbers and guides on Everest, but nobody will ever know for sure. He believes it was the fact of the lack of knowledge of what to do at such a high altitude caused most of the deaths of these victims. The business of the climbing does not contain strict regulation because most of the countries are poor and have nothing else to strive for money. The IMAX team ends up finding most of the bodies of the South Africans, Hall, and Fischer. They can't believe what they have seen.

I would be very worried if I was in this situation. You have to deal with all the physical and mental complications that you will be suffering after you descend down the mountain. They may try their best to forget or to remember this grand and difficult journey. I hope they realize the risk they just took and how lucky they are to be able to survive and tell their story.

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