Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 295-333)

Krakauer is still staying in contact with his fellow climbers. Lou had described Everest as one of his worst adventures in his life. He mentions Beck Weathers and the amputations he had to have of his right arm below the elbow, his fingers on his left hand, and his nose was amputated and later reconstructed. Beck has surprisingly handled this devastating tragedy fairly well. Jon Krakauer can't get the journey of Mount Everest out of his head. He has had some criticisms from people of the climber's family. He learns some people on the Everest journey died from a car accident and an avalanche. A sherpa orphan blames the Sherpas for all what had happened on this expedition, saying that they are expected to protect the sanctuary from outsiders. This journey has poisoned many of the families and close friends of people of Everest. Some have even needed medical treatment for depression. Even those climbers that were saving others feel bad that they could not save everyone on this devastating journey.
This expedition was extremely devastating and intense. It is something beyond words to describe for someone who wasn't on the expedition. Jon Krakauer did a great job of describing the journey and all the people in it. I am sure he had many tearful thoughts when writing this book. He goes on to describe later what happened as well and I'm sure it was difficult for him to describe that as well. I hope others choose to read this National Best-Seller because it can show many reactions when life or death is at risk.

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