Sunday, January 9, 2011

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 1

Moneyball by Michael Lewis
This book starts off by disussing how all of these various baseball prospects are represented by other people. The first sentence on page 3 says "The first thing they always did was run you." Also, it talks about the nicknames given to the players by the scouts based on their talent. The main subject discussed is high school prospects being seen by scouts because of their curse of talent. This story talks about various players such as Coles, Espy, and Strawberry and tells how they were in front of the scouts. Then, the story progresses to talk about a young man named Billy Beane. They mention many times how amazing he is even though his statistics dropped in his senior year. Nobody noticed that his statistics dropped because he still played well.  He is choosing whether to go to Stanford and receive an education or go straight to play baseball.
I personally did not enjoy this book at the beginning, but it became more interesting. The enjoyment came when it started focusing on the players and the talent they individually possessed. It was confusing when it started telling the story without describing any of the players. It was also interesting to discover what decisions they were making to pursue their careers in baseball.

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