Sunday, January 23, 2011

Moneyball by Michael Lewis Reading Log 4

The Field of Ignorance
This chapter discusses the aspects of baseball that are full of ignorant rules and arrogant people. It mentions the unreasonable statistics such as player's errors in baseball, even though the player who received the error had to be doing something right to make the error. The player could be in the right position and still receive the error in their own statistics. There are other baseball statistics mentioned as well such as RBIs, average on-base percentage, batting averages, runs scored, and much more. In this chapter, it talks about the several players in baseball and how their statistics have effected them. One of them even wrote a book about the importance of statistics in baseball. The ignorance in this chapter is quite high.
I would agree with this chapter because they are completely overrating the use of statistics in baseball. There could be several good players who don't have such good statistics, yet they still shine. It is completely unnecessary to rely on statistics the whole time. A visual should also be used while rating a player. The Field of Ignorance made many well developed points and I hope they are no used to an extent where they are completely relied on.

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