Monday, March 21, 2011

Into Thin Air (pg.207-231)

A climber named Bieldeman finally reaches the top and he is unaware of the time it is. Even though he reaches at precisely 2 pm, he thinks it is a lot later. Hansen and Fischer reach the summit at around 340 and 4. They should have turned back at 2 because there is a huge storm that comes. The winds are at hurricane speeds and the snow is blowing everywhere which causes no visibility! Mike Gloom and Stuart Hutchinson attempt to find the remainder of the lost climbers, but they have little luck as they only find a few and realize some of them have even died. Weathers and Namba are dead while Pittman and Fox get back to the tents yet are completely incapacitated. Hutchinson wakes up Krakauer telling him Harris did not return to camp and he is in shock. He though Harris had made it safely to camp and even  told his girlfriend that he did. As he goes to search for him, he sees faint footsteps going near the edge which makes him realize that Andy has fallen over the edge. Hall is at the summit ridge radioing for help and the Imax team attempts to help by asking the South AFrican team, but they deny their request for their radio usage. Martin Adams explains how he saw somebody sitting on ice and slipped on it while he was descending. Krakauer thinks it is him, but Adams ensures him it was not. Krakauer realizes the story of Andy Harris falling of the edge is false and he has been telling people that this is what happened to him. Now, nobody knows what has happened to Andy Harris.

This storm is just the beginning of all the trouble. It is becoming extremely suspicious with all of these dangerous events happening and these stories of weird deaths on Everest. We will see who ends up having a battle for their lives on this great summit of the world. 

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