Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 151-178)

They finally make an attempt to go all the way to the top of the summit. Krakauer mentions a man who realized he was too exhausted to get the summit even though he was only a few hundred feet away, but Hall acknowledged this choice and understood the maturity and difficulty of this person. Doug and Jon start talking about what the top of the mountain will be like and the success it will happen. Also, a member from the Taiwanese team slips off because he is wearing only slippers. He is fine at first, but he eventually dies and the leader could care less as he only replies OK. Krakauer talks about how supplemental oxygen is frowned upon as cheating even though it is a necessity. They continue there journey to the top of the mountain and Jon Krakauer finally accepts the vital oxygen mask during his climb when he finally realizes it is harder to breathe without it. He also becomes skeptical of the climbers that turn back when they are so close and saying they are judging it on only some factors and not really with loyalty or devotion. Rob Hall says all members need to stay ahead of each other and gives Krakauer the go ahead in front of him. The chapter ends by him stating that a man who quit was not serious at the time.
These pages just start to mention the journey to the very top of the mountain and all the struggles and problems everyone goes through. I believe it would be extremely difficult for anyone to climb this mountain as I have said before. This is a very difficult feat that I am surprised some people will eventually accomplish.

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