Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 61-88)

While they are about to make it to base camp, Harris becomes sick and starts to vomit and have massive diarrhea. Although the medic recommends he stays back, he says he wants to go to make it to base camp. Harris is obviously the one that struggles the most with their journey to base camp. Krakauer meets a man named Scott Fischer who is a very exceptional climber. Fischer and Hall are business rivals yet good friends as well. He fell from a mountain and has a hole in a leg open enough to stick a pencil through. Krakauer also describes the climb to Base Camp and says that he says that he is losing his breath and wheezing. The Sherpas continue to bring significant supplies to all the climbers. Hall is worried about the climbers with new boots and fewer experience seeing how they may struggle according to the dangerous weather he predicts is about to come. An unusual rope technique may be useful to climb with the ice. Krakauer is struck by UV radiation and he has to take some medication to get rid of the headache. Also, Krakauer's wife calls and starts to discuss their relationship and well-being as a couple.

The book starts to mention all the problems that are starting to occur within their climbing group. People are getting sick and Hall has worries about certain people's techniques. They all continue to foreshadow the events about to come with the horrible ice storm.

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