Monday, March 14, 2011

Into Thin Air (pgs. 127-147)

The group now begins their journey to camp 3 and Krakauer has become extremely cold and developed frostbite. He does not make such a smart move by removing his clothing because he believes the sun will make it warmer, but it just makes him more cold. Doug Hanson receives an injury to the respiratory tract by having a frozen larynx. Almost all of the climbers have frostbite as well.The sherpa, Nwagnag has not died yet. The other sherpas believe that he does not have HAPE rather he is being punished by the Day of Sky for a sin he has committed while on the mountain.The best Sherpa out of Fischer's group goes to visit Nwagnag when he dies and Fischer is worried without his top Sherpa that confidence may be lost by his fellow climbers. Krakauer talks about the adrenaline rush some climbers are starting to develop along with various physical problems. Some climbers have developed HACE and headaches to the sun's radiation. He mentions how he has lost 20 pounds of muscle and cartilage and says he is feeling stupid. Also, there are set days for the climbers to reach the top, but the South African team does not care much and will wish the top whenever they please.
Again, this chapter starts to frigthen me about Everest. All of these normal, healthy people are starting to develop multitudes of physical problems and it just scares me to know. The idea of the Sherpas and there idea of the mountains is like their religion. I believe they take the mountain to seriously and should not make various Gods based on the weather. I hope all of them become healthy and eventually reach the summit of Mount Everest.

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